Tuesday 20 July 2010

Cesc Fabregas and his love for Arsenal/Barcelona/Spain/Small fluffy animals

Is it just me or is this Cesc Fabregas story getting a little weary? I mean, prior to the World Cup he loved Barcelona and couldn't wait to be back with youth team friends Lionel Messi and Gerard Pique. Since winning the World Cup, where he played a bit-part role at best, everyone is unsure as to where he will be plying his trade next season. Arsenal seem so sure of him staying that they plastered his face slap bang in the middle of their kit pre-order advert on their website (yes, I feel physically sick going onto their website). But only Cesc really knows where he is going to be playing next season. Arsene Wenger seems adamant that he will be leading the team out on the 15th of August when they head to Anfield for there first game of the season.

Yet, Pep Guardiola is still massively keen on the talented midfielder. A move which still leaves me rather puzzled. It is a globally known fact that Barcelona play three in the centre of the park - Iniesta, Xavi and Busquets. The only problem is, where would Fabregas fit into this line-up? Xavi and Iniesta are comfortably superior than their Spanish compatriot and Busquets holds in front of the back four to break up the play when the need arises and cover for Pique when he goes for his Lucio-esc runs forward from the back. I feel Busquets would be the one that would be dropped should Cesc make the move to the Catalan club yet would Cesc be happy to fill that void and sit back? I highly doubt it. Furthermore, his creativity would be extremely limited in the position so it's a case of shuffling the pack in order to accommodate Febregas unless he moves Iniesta further up the park in a Messi-Villa-Iniesta attack. The one problem you lose is the Xavi-Iniesta partnership which is a match made in heaven to say the least.

One thing I found hilarious from the whole Fabregas situation is the uproar the surrounding Pique forcing a Barcelona shirt over Fabregas' head for a grand total of 3.7 seconds which Cesc instantly took off. Arsenal fans were absolutely furious, much to the delight of near enough every football fan in the country, myself included. Heck, I almost forgot Spain kind of won the Johnstone's Paint Trophy or the Milk Cup or whatever they call national Championships nowadays. I mean, he took the shirt off near enough after having it put over his head and even admitted it was nothing but a bit of banter between his team mates. Yet Arsenal fans were just angrier than Edgar Davids squaring up to Robbie Keane a few years back.

So with the Cesc saga still on going, my heart is telling me he should leave just for myself and other Spurs fans everywhere and hopefully ignite a mass exodus from the Degenerates (we can all dream!) but my head is saying he will most likely stay at least for one more year. It seems Wenger is making shrewd moves in the transfer market with Chamakh arriving on a free and Koscielny arriving from Lorient whilst getting rid of the major ego of William Gallas, who knows how Arsenal will perform next season as they are usually written off and are pretty good until the last 6 games of the season where they decide they don't really want to win anything ever again and finish between 3 and 12 points behind the eventual title winner.

Right, enough of talking about Arsenal cos it is making me feel ill. I'm off to shower for 4 hours to clean the stink off.


1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful having plush toys around, and most of us have a quite a stuffed animal collection here


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I enjoy football as much as I do writing about it.