Monday 18 October 2010

Is Wayne Rooney on the verge of leaving United?

First and foremost, apologies about the lack of posts recently, I haven't had the time to write due to work.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, it appears the relationship between Wayne Rooney and Manchester United is about as solid as...well....Wayne Rooney and Coleen's relationship at the moment with rumours now circulating that Rooney wants out of Manchester United asap. Things certainly have changed since the tail end of the 2009/10 season when the former Everton man was in scintillating form. Yet, a poor World Cup and allegations about his private life have since seen Rooney drop down the pecking order at Manchester United with former Spurs striker, Dimitar Berbatov, kicking it up a notch to lead the United frontline for the foreseeable future.

However, his fall in form appears to have coincided with Manchester United's inability to now kill games off. United have, so far, squandered points against Everton, Rangers (in the Champions League), Fulham and, most recently, West Brom from positions they should have gone on to win. Liverpool could have been added to that list but a wonderful hat trick from the in-form Berbatov spared any blushes for the red half of Manchester that day. In my opinion, United would have picked up maximum points against these four teams should Rooney have been in similar form the last season and would be sitting comfortably at the summit of the Premiership and there Champions League group. Yet, they are currently sit on the same points as Rangers in Group C, the same group they should be, in my opinion, dominating and five points adrift of the pace setters, Chelsea, three points behind rivals Manchester City and on level points with Tottenham and Arsenal.

Admittedly, things could be worse for United (they could be in the same position Liverpool are in!) yet with Rooney looking a shade of his former self, United are flailing without his tenacity that aided in their ability to kill off games and gain points when, perhaps, they shouldn't have done. At the moment, this may not seem a crisis with only eight games played and United's tendency to start the season off in first gear yet, his lack of impact will begin to show as the games pile up over Christmas and into 2011. Berbatov has led the line very well in Rooney's absence however, Rooney's enthusiasm and input is completely the opposite to the Bulgarian hitman's approach to the game. For example, if Berbatov is having an off day, United will struggle yet if Rooney isn't having the best of games, his Bulldog-esc approach will aid in bringing other players into the game and continue to pressure defenders into mistakes.

If reports of a bust up with Ferguson are to be believed then it won't be long before Rooney is shipped out of United following Beckham, Stam, Van Nistelrooy and Keane as the latest of big name players to have a falling out with the manager only to be shipped out at the next possible opportunity. The only problem is, where will he go? The blue half of Manchester are willing to offer him £300,000 per week (according to some papers) in order to swap loyalties, Carlos Tevez style, but will Rooney be willing to risk the wrath of the United fans with allegations surrounding him left, right and centre. A move down south to Chelsea has been mooted but with Abramovich tightening his purse strings at Stamford Bridge, they may be priced out of a move for Rooney. A fresh start under Mourninho or Guardiola at Real Madrid or Barcelona, respectively, may be an option for the former Evertonian but a move abroad may be a step to far for the time being for the 24 year old. Whatever happens, Ferguson will be losing a prized asset should United decide to cash in on the striker who will find his form of 2009/10 again in the not too distant future.

Will write again when I next get the chance.


1 comment:

  1. I cant see anything but a departure for Rooney. You mention his form at the end of last season, but if the facts are to be considered he has been a shell of his former self since March. That was his last goal from open play. Since then he has managed 2 in 31 (dont quote me on tht but pretty sure). Personal issues have clearly been a huge issue since then with much of the reasoning towards his dip pointed to these. But dont dismiss the burden of being labelled one of the worlds best...a plaudit lorded on him by many just 8 months ago.

    Im not sure it is Manchester United he is fed up with but the country in general. We all know the microscope players are under and the media scrutiny and i think it has got far too much for Rooney to handle. Obviously he has done himself no favours with his recent actions.

    Dont expect him to stay in matter how much money City throw at him. If he does indeed depart expect him to be off to the Bernebau.


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